Thoughts on Holidays

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Holidays. Technically they're days no different than any others. You can treat them as such or you can make them a little more special. Take the Fourth of July yesterday. I spent most of the day in my apartment catching up on sleep and just relaxing before watching fireworks at night. Others spent the day, as Cole Sprouse's latest Instagram caption says, "getting dangerously close to gunpowder while dangerously intoxicated."

I say to each their own (as long as you're being safe).

Isn't it cool, though, that humans choose to celebrate things? We choose to bring a little extra happiness to what could be a normal day. From days as small as National Best Friend Day (really an excuse to post that cute Instagram you've had in your photos for a month) to the hugely commercialized, month-long holiday Christmas has become. Yes, a lot of holidays are just viewed as excuses to day drink or get off work/school. But they give us something to look forward to. If wearing a green shirt on St. Patrick's Day brings you a small smile, I think it's worth it.


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